Invitation to be a sponsor for the event
The Eleventh WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification will be held in Pune, India, from 3-7 November 2025. The conference will be hosted at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM), Pune. Abstract submissions are now open.
About the conference
The conference will consider weather modification with special emphasis on advances in the subject and prospects. The main themes of the conference are observational studies and field campaigns, laboratory facilities and studies relevant to the different weather modification topics; numerical modelling, model inter-comparisons, verification and assessment studies, new technological developments in seeding platforms, seeding material and methods of delivery, Data driven models, AI/ML, and statistical methods as applied to current and previous experiments and projects. Weather modification and the physical and socio-economic environment aspects include environmental issues, user requirements, cost-benefit studies, inadvertent weather modification, and climate change and geo engineering. The presentations are solicited for research, development, operational aspects, and new scientific results.
While we want to make the conference affordable to many students and early career scientists, who will be the decision makers of tomorrow, we are looking forward to generous sponsors. Various sponsorship options are available on the website.
Sponsorships can be for the following:
Sponsoring an early career scientist/student from a low-income country
- The student will acknowledge and use the logo of the sponsor in the presentation/poster
The sponsor will be able to have a booth to display their products
- The sponsor can have an exhibit booth table to display their products with a prime, front-row location.
- The basic set is a 3 m x 3m space with a table, chair, and 3 poster boards. Double the space can be allotted with a higher sponsorship of $8,000
- Free entry for the conference for 2 persons, lunch, coffee/tea, and snacks as provided for all attendees.
- The sponsor's logo will be displayed on the website.
To have a lead talk at the conference in a suitable session
- Topic is strictly specific to the conference theme
- Assistance in loading and displaying the presentation
- 2 person free registration
Lunch during the conference
- The sponsor's name will be displayed and acknowledged by the organisers
- The sponsor's logo will be displayed on the website.
- 2 persons free registration
To have a dedicated session for the conference
- This is intended to highlight some of the major projects and activities and to provide a meeting point for collaborators and
- The session could summarize the lessons learned scientifically.
- It may be noted that the contributions will be reviewed by the WMO-ET committee for inclusion in the conference.
- Complete facilities for presentation will be provided
- A recording of the session and summary will be prepared and communicated to the sponsor
- The sponsor's logo will be displayed on the website.
- 4 persons free registration
Gala event dinner
- The sponsor will be allowed to speak at the event
- The sponsor's logo will be displayed on the website.
- 2 person free registration