11th WMO Scientific Conference on Weather Modification


To be Updated

Fundamental aspects of cloud physics as the basis for cloud seeding

Studies on Cloud condensation nuclei, ice nucleation, aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions, and secondary ice production in different global environments are invited. This may include laboratory, field measurements, or numerical simulation studies. This session deals with the scientific processes that are the foundations of rain enhancement programs and may present cloud formation through warm and cold cloud processes. The contributions may include theoretical studies, laboratory studies, numerical simulations and reports on the field experiments.

Precipitation enhancement studies in deep convective clouds

The session may involve weather modification strategies, field experiments, laboratory studies, numerical modelling of deep convective clouds, including field campaign reports, long-term studies on randomization experiments, AI/ML based models, etc. Both hygroscopic and glaciogenic seeding methods are included.

Precipitation enhancement studies in shallow/orographic clouds

Winter orographic cloud seeding studies are done extensively. Specific topics are relating to long-term weather modification experiments, numerical simulations, radar-based evaluations, generating cells, etc. The session can include different aspects of stratiform cloud seeding or shallow cloud seeding, either with glaciogenic or hygroscopic seeding.

Hail mitigation, fog or rain suppression

The session includes hail suppression studies and evaluations, the suppression of fog as well as rain, the latter of which transitions to weather management studies.  Hail suppressions are done with glaciogenic seeding agents and this session will discuss the major experiments and results from hail suppression studies.The topics may also cover the seeding impact and physical evaluations of hail suppression. The polarimetric radar observations play a key role in the evaluation. The session may also discuss the dynamic and static cloud seeding. The results on seasonal evaluations of hail suppression studies and documented evidence are invited The electrical properties of storms and how seeding impacts these aspects are also of interest. Results on the hail storms with hygroscopic seeding may also be discussed.  
Warm and cold fog suppression studies are conducted around the world, however are more complex due to complex boundary layer processes. The documented results on demonstrated field experiments and synthesis of state of knowledge in the field may be considered.

Hydrological processes, impacts, and assessments

The session may report feasibility or impact studies for cloud seeding using hydrological modelling. The climatology, suitable/seedable clouds statistics, optimum experiments and designs for best outcome from seeding, ensemble model approaches may also be discussed.

Broader applications/hazard mitigation (Eg. Bushfire/forest fire or avalanche mitigation, cyclone or typhoon mitigation, etc.)

Fire events cause significant economic, life and livelihood losses. In several instances, dry weather and also lightning cause fire events. The strong and turbulent winds indeed help in the spreading of fire.  One way of weather modification is to try to reduce the electric fields within thunderstorms and to suppress the lightning discharges. The methods used for this weather modification activities, efficacy, and the science of seeding methods will be discussed. Numerical modelling efforts on the fire events and mitigation are also welcome. Numerical studies or other exploratory studies on avalanche mitigation, cyclone/typhoon mitigation are also included in this session.

Inadvertent weather modification (Urban impacts, contrails, pollution dispersion, etc.)

The fire events, especially biomass burning, different agricultural practices  and industrial activities make inadvertent modifications in the weather and also influence precipitation. The session will seek contributions from urban studies and other inadvertent weather modification studies, specific to the aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions. The air quality may be impacted and the visibility/fog conditions can occur. The session will seek contributions on all these topics.

Emerging technologies or new methods for weather modification

The emerging technologies for weather modification research or applications are widespread, and include (but not limited to): topics utilizing AI/ML-based approaches, digital twin, balloon-based seeding techniques, ground-based generators, automated seeding drones and use of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), new seeding agents, such as nanoparticles, charged seeding particles, etc. In addition, observational technologies such as the use of phased array radars or other continuous monitoring radars are also emerging. The use of state-of-the-art scanning and observing systems, new cloud and precipitation probes, and other instruments may also be described.

Weather forecasting, and nowcasting Decision Support Systems

Decision support systems are part of many weather modification experiments. This may include weather forecasting and nowcasting. The use of radar observations in weather modification experiments and new methods such as tracking the storm initiation, possible development of secondary storms, how the decision support systems can be improved with new emerging techniques can be discussed.

Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) topics

This session will discuss societal, ethical, and legal aspects of weather modification. The measures undertaken prior to operational weather modification will be discussed. The environmental impacts, extra area effects of seeding, any evidence of impact from the ongoing or past experiments, operational projects, long-term impacts on the ecosystem or biota, and related topics may be presented.

Climate intervention/Marine Cloud Brightening

Anthropogenic impact on weather and climate is discussed in this section. Aerosols, land use, or other ways of climate interventions are discussed in this session. Both the continental and marine projects; especially the cloud brightening projects and summaries of such projects are invited. Specific papers on cirrus cloud thinning, stratospheric aerosol injection modelling experiments, and studies and simulations of marine cloud brightening are invited.

Stakeholder/policymaker/public engagement and communication

WMO has a statement on the weather modification aspects, and it is desirable to have reporting of the weather modification projects to WMO for records. WMO also recommends following certain guidelines before any weather modification project. The session will share such knowledge through the WMO Expert Team with stakeholders/policy makers.  
Effective engagement with policymakers and stakeholders is critical to conducting weather modification research and operations.  This session invites topics related to methods and approaches for engagement with policymaker, stakeholder, and other public communities.  In addition, topics on communication approaches, issues, and challenges, as well as educational efforts and challenges encountered.

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