Abstract Submission
About submission of abstracts
The abstract submission deadline is 15th March 2025, The abstract may contain a maximum of 500 words as
- a) text (you may copy-paste from Microsoft word)
- b) a PDF document (Figures and tables can be included)
- c) a word document (Figures and tables can be included)
The abstract may be submitted under one of the themes as indicated below
- Fundamental aspects of cloud physics as the basis for cloud seeding
- Precipitation enhancement studies in deep convective clouds
- Precipitation enhancement studies in shallow/orographic clouds
- Hail mitigation, fog or rain suppression
- Hydrological processes, impacts, and assessments
- Broader applications/hazard mitigation (Eg. Bushfire/forest fire or avalanche mitigation, cyclone or typhoon mitigation, etc.)
- Inadvertent weather modification (Urban impacts, contrails, pollution dispersion, etc.)
- Emerging technologies or new methods for weather modification
- Weather forecasting, and nowcasting Decision Support Systems
- Ethical, Legal and Social Issues (ELSI) topics
- Climate intervention/Marine Cloud Brightening
- Stakeholder/policymaker/public engagement and communication
- Aerosol-cloud-precipitation-radiation interactions and processing
- Applications of cloud and precipitation physics
- Basic cloud and precipitation physics
- Cirrus clouds
- Cloud electricity
- Clouds and climate (including radiative properties of clouds)
- Clouds and high impact weather
- Clouds and remote sensing
- Convective clouds
- Fog and visibility
- Laboratory, wind tunnel, and cloud chamber studies of microphysical processes
- Measurement techniques (of cloud and precipitation properties) and their uncertainties
- Mesoscale cloud systems
- Mixed phase clouds
- Monsoon clouds and precipitation
- Orographic clouds
- Polar clouds
- Primary and secondary ice and cloud condensation nuclei
- Tropical clouds
- Turbulence mixing and entrainment
- Warm clouds
- Weather modification
The abstract may contain the following:
Title of abstract
Author(s) affiliation(s)
Name(s) of the author(s) and who is likely to be presenting author
Preference for oral/poster
- Abstracts submission is free.
- The abstract is accepted as an original contribution from the submitting author and is not published elsewhere
- One of the authors should be registered for the conference and present the paper
- Only one oral contribution per registered delegate is allowed
- English is the working language of the Conference. It will be used for all printed material, presentations, and discussions.
- Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified via e-mail by 1st May 2025 regarding oral/poster contributions.
The abstract may contain the following:
Title of abstract
Author(s) affiliation(s)
Name(s) of the author(s) and who is likely to be presenting author
Preference for oral/poster
- Abstracts will be accepted for the review process once the abstract fee of INR 4000 is paid
- The abstract is accepted as an original contribution from submitting author and is not published elsewhere
- One of the authors should be registered for the conference and present the paper
- Only one oral contribution per registered delegate is allowed
- English is the working language of the Conference. It will be used for all printed material, presentations, and discussions.
Please note that there is an abstract submission fee of INR 4000 per abstract, deductible from the registration fee of the presenting author who is a registered delegate. This deduction will only be applied once per registered delegate. However, one delegate may submit multiple abstracts and INR 4000 abstract fee is applicable for each submission. The abstract fee is a processing charge and non-refundable.
Authors of accepted abstracts will be notified via e-mail by 15th March 2025 regarding oral/poster contributions.
Abstract guidelines
Abstract text
- The abstract body should be short (100–500 words), clear, concise, and written in English with correct spelling and good sentence structure.
- Mathematical symbols and equations can be typed in or embedded as an image.
- Figures and tables can be included in the PDF/word document.
- Abstracts should be carefully compiled and thoroughly checked, in particular with regard to the list of authors, before submission in order to avoid last-minute changes.
Responsibilities as author
- The submitted abstract must be presented at the conference by the author or one of the coauthors.
- No-shows abstract will be removed from the program
- By submitting an abstract, the authors accept the rules of the conference.
- Duplicate submission or submission of the same abstract to more than one session will lead to automatic rejection.
- The content of abstracts is the responsibility of their authors.
- The official language of the conference is English.